• 44844 Autopilot Dr, Sterling, VA 20166
  • info@almservices.com


Years of Experience

Mahmoud Alkhateeb, the CEO of ALM, established his roots in the food and beverage industry at IAD. It was during this time that Mahmoud noticed a void in the logistics operation – the program lacked an operator who truly understood the needs of concessionaires. In 2005, he founded Airport Logistics Management (ALM) as an LDBE entity, solely focused on airports. The company developed an operations-centric model that can instantly adapt to the ever-changing airport environments and concessionaires' needs. ALM firmly believes that there is no one-size-fits-all plan to meet every client's needs, and they strive to work seamlessly behind the scenes, ensuring that all airport logistics needs are met efficiently and safely.

ALM's main headquarters has been located within IAD since its inception, and it currently operates at DCA as well. IAD and DCA are two of the most secure airport facilities in the nation, protecting our nation's capital. Over the years, ALM has grown with both IAD and DCA, and its operations-centric model has helped create new delivery schedules and routes sometimes even daily, around the consistent construction surrounding the airports while having 100% delivery success rate. ALM serves all concessionaires and airline lounges, offering grease pick up as an added service.

Security and food safety are of utmost importance to ALM. Recognizing that food safety was often overlooked in CRDC operations and treated with minimal standards, ALM adheres to all FDA, HACCP, and Safe Serve Practices. The company takes pride in knowing that it has never received a negative mark from any of the regulating agencies and always strives to exceed the requirements, ensuring that all products are kept secure and at proper temperatures, with records available at any given time.

ALM was built around its concessionaires and tenants, our mantra ``We exist to make your operations easier`` has been constant throughout the years. The company's reputation has only proven that it stands by its mantra, and it continues to strive to make its clients' operations as seamless as possible.
