• 44844 Autopilot Dr, Sterling, VA 20166
  • info@almservices.com
Why Choose Us

Delivery Tracking System

ALMIT employs state-of-the-art secure tracking technology, utilizing GPSA and an integrated onboard camera within the application. Each delivery is captured with a photograph, and the exact time and location of every product is instantly stamped. This stamping feature enables both ALM and its customers to track all shipments from arrival at the central facility to the end user's destination.

Thanks to our cloud-based system, the application can be instantly customized to meet any new security updates or features according to the client's standards. ALMIT is hardware agnostic, making it adaptable to any smart mobile device, including iPhone and Android. It can be utilized by all designated officials without the need to hire additional infrastructure teams.

Join our team – come work with us.

